Apr 6, 2019

Maybe it´s time to "Extend the Tent" at the Mount of Oaks...

Dear friends, family, fellow kindred spirits of the Mount of Oaks journey,

I, Barbara, am typing this letter after a lovely time me and Emma just shared, singing, contemplating and seeking the Divine Spirit for guidance and discernment about the next steps that are being offered…

In a sure way, the responses we will have to this letter, will serve us as part of that discernment. For again, we find ourselves in that place of waiting for the unknown to be revealed... a place of thrill about it all, and at the same time some caution... for whatever comes, could lead us to a situation of even more duty of care for even more precious land…

Background story...

I went on a personal quest this winter to Brazil. Emma stayed at the land, holding and bridging the process of Marcia, Eric and Samuel moving out of Mount of Oaks and into the new chapter of their family/personal lives.

When I came back, literally the same day, Emma was holding another possibility. Our dear neighbour, and member of “White Stone” Association, Sr. Aquiles, was almost about to sell a piece of land that borders the entrance of MOO, that connects with our sacred forest below, to a couple who live locally who had plans to buy it as an investment.

It was all a big misunderstanding – but thank God, Emma got to speak with Aquiles before the papers were signed. Emma was able to show the couple another piece of land from Aquiles, more towards Povoa de Atalaia that might suit their needs better – they have done that and are happy with their investment.

And we are in this current situation – based on a strong experience she had in the field, Emma agreed to purchase the land at the entrance to MoO.  She has 3,000E left from money her Dad gave her as a seed – and the rest…… well, we seek to raise this…and more, hopefully. And so the story of the ‘enlarging of the tent’ began in early Feburary.

We are asking for another miracle...

I, Barbara, was in that same position 12 years ago...
Crying my heart out knowing that this land where we are now, was to be separated, nurtured, cared for, to be a place of rest, a place of healing, a place of retreat, a place of grief, a place of vision, a place of encouragement, a place of birth and a place of death, a place of prayer and contemplation, a place for connection with nature, with our tribal primitive self, with our natural instinct, a place so many already benefitted from, a place of peace... also a place beyond this place... a place that creates bridges between the local existing communities, and local authorities, and the new locals who are coming from all over the world to live in this area... a place that helps to build bridges between dreams and reality...a place also that wants to generate local employment and create meaningful work... a place that wants to help improve the local economy, to be one that is above all sustainable for present and future generations...

So the same way 12 years ago we gathered 30,000E in donations to buy this land and moved from private property into the name of the Association - we are again putting out the call to gather money to add more land around us, that could open further possibilities. What kind of possibilities ? 
- planting more fruit trees, leaving more land to grow native species, avoid the spraying of nasty chemicals, and creating further secluded spaces for people to come on retreats, or build some low impact dwellings.

What are we confronted with ?

What we got ourselves confronted with, as soon as I was arriving, was the opportunity, and I dare to say, need, of “stretching our tent”, of securing the intimacy, and secludedness of this place , by buying “Vale do medo” (this is the land we are committed to buy, and it means “valley of fear”), and having it under “White Stone Association” too...

Aquiles came here some weeks later and showed us other pieces he wants to sell on the part above our pond, the opposite direction... He told us of another lady who wants to sell her part next to us, also on top... and recently our neighbour Sr. Fernando, Sr. Joaquim´s son, mentioned selling his part as well... which is,for those who remember, where we used to get our drinking water in the really early days! 
It all got a bit overwhelming for us... In one hand, if we would have the money, we would love to buy it all, put it under "White Stone Association" and extend the blessing that Mount of Oaks already is to the surrounding lands...On the other hand, we know it´s already a lot of work for 2 people alone with  unexperienced volunteers... So, it all needs to be a collective effort... to buy more land, and to commit to nurture it and take care of it !!!

We need discernment and wisdom...

Right now, we feel the need to share all this with our wider community as it feels too much to hold and discern alone! … Another thing is that other people, friends and people we are getting to know, also want to buy land around us... and we feel we need to discern very well from now on, what might be good models of alternative ‘ownership’  : - To have other small private properties around, or buy it all and have it under “White Stone” Association, as is the Mount of Oaks currently – and acts like a sort of land trust. Me and Emma are very clear, we do not ‘own’ this land – we are still sure of our position of stewarding and nuturing this place on behalf of a bigger vision. When our time has come to pass this to others, we will.

For now, we are asking for prayers and if anyone has a word of discernment, please be free to get in touch with us and share... We need all the wisdom and advise at this moment.

Crowd funding 70.000E ...

We just got in touch with our friends Claudian Doubos and Filipa Simões, who invited us some years ago to be part of the NGO they created called “Terra Livre” – “FreeLand” (www.terra-livre.org), and asked for advise on how to share about this situation and crowd fund at least 70.000e to buy more land around the Mount of Oaks...

We wouldn´t necessarily think about adding more land into the association, if we wouldn´t find ourselves in this situation... we definitely don´t need more work to maintain land, but we are open to this reality we are being confronted with at this very moment, and we feel that we needed to involve those who have been part of the history of this place , to seek wisdom, and participation...

Mapping the valley ...

One of our next steps, sooner rather than later, is to have a chat with Sr.Antonio, who knows possibly all the owners of every little plot of land in this valley... We want to share with him, and all those who own land around here, that we would love to unify this land and nurture it, as best as we can, and maybe one day dedicate it to become a public park... And even now, to become a place for older people of Póvoa de Atalaia to come and simply enjoy it, seat under a tree, chat, tell us the many stories they have about this place, etc... Anyway, I don´t want to romanticize too much the idea, but I hope I was able to transmit the picture that came to our hearts J

How to get involved ...

If you are receiving this letter, it means that some way or another, you are already involved J

What we need now, as I shared before, is for wisdom and discernment, so, any prayer or words or advise are more than welcome. (this includes the best model / web site / network / platform to share it in the social media )

Also, if you already feel you want to help purchasing the first piece of land, of 10.000e, for “White Stone”, please get in touch, for we have clear ideas on how each donor could benefit from their contribution, from the gift of products for donations under 50E, to paying forward a trip to stay here in a tent, or if you give more, the guest room.... we can, after all finally, offer a really great experience with great accommodation here at the Mount of Oaks now J  donations can be from 10e to 500e... or more for those who can J, in Exchange for our camping facilities, or our comfortable strawbale guest room, or self-catering strawbale house.

People with Permaculture experience, of tending land, animals and even building with natural materials are welcome to consider also coming for longer periods of time to share some of the work load.

As a local poet, Nunes Pereira, puts it “ the little that God gave me/ fits in a closed hand/ a little with God is everything/  a lot without God is nothing”... It was so funny to read this line just these days as I was in our “library-toilet” reading the tourist booklet  “wild guide -Portugal”... very humorous I would say J

- If you read this and thought about someone who might want to help/ participate in this crazyness, please feel free to share J

As I mentioned at the start of this letter, we need a clear sign ,if we should go ahead with this crazy idea or not... So we are putting it out there and by the 30th of April, our next yearly “White Stone” AGM, we would like to have a confirmation, so we can also start the legal procedures, and have the ideas formally noted in the association documents.

For now…

We are utterly grateful that you have taken the time to read this letter.

Thank you for supporting this journey so far.

We are feeling for now, that it might well be possible to raise the 10,000E needed to buy "Vale de Medo" from folks like you who support the crazyness. Like before, whatever you can give will be a blessing! …we had donations of 1,5E which I was very grateful for J

We did it before and we are seeking to do it again in a different climate, where the need to have spaces set aside for spiritual and ecological activities is as important as ever.

We see the ‘now and not yet’ of the desire to raise 60,000E to put more land into the association – the long term goals of uniting the valley into one piece set aside for gentle farming practises, a possible olive oil co-op, retreat huts, benches for the older people to come and sit under the olives they once tended… there is no shortage of vision – but now it is cash we need! J

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