We've been having hard work weeks... mainly making a floor for Lyna's yurt, but also a wood shelter and a bit of gardening...
We had Lyna's friend, Aurelie visiting for few weeks and a couple from Czech Republic for a week...
But here goes some pictures of what we've been up to... this first one is the early beginnings of the yurt floor, with Aurelie helping out... she definitely went back to France with more muscles and a nice tan...
Nolan would always be around... he's in such a funny stage...
bricks layer... we were trying to use the least lime as possible, so we simply stuck them in the dirt...
Lyna and Aurelie had the hard work of carrying most of the gravel up with the wheel-barrow... me and Nolan were working on the wood shelter...yep, Nolan loves building and he loves the hammer :-)... he's a nice company too...well, when he's not whining :-/...
but he makes us laugh a lot...he is a little clown...
exhausted !!! siesta time :-)
our wood shed finally done... It was not a priority, but we did have rain again,so I guess it was good we did it...I had to go help in the yurt floor as we found out we have less time than we thought...it was a bit messy from the beginning all the yurt measures and date of arrival...a bit stressy, but well, we had to keep going...
Lyna treating the wood with Borax...
Preparing the lime...hard work I tell you...
I was using the lime to level the bricks, where the plywood will seat... the inside is already filled with gravel... it's going good...
and the Yurt arrived from France, together with all Lyna's stuff...she's happy and excited... but the rain came again, so we had to have a little break... some patience, trusting that the yurt material will be ok... I'm sure it will be fine...but Lyna got a bit nervous...
while it was raining I took a bunch of palette boards and other bits and got determined to literally make my bed... I moved from the upper bed more than a week ago, and stored there lots of winter stuff, like blankets and the many stuff that other people leave behind waiting for the day they might return...hmmm... I didn't manage to make a proper platform for the futon cuz there was not much time...I just put some pallets but it was not so well leveled, so I was not sleeping so well for a long while...
It only took me 4 hours of thinking, sawing, nailing and checking if it was leveled to get it done...it seemed strong and nice... and it was, I slept like a baby...
I really enjoy building stuff :-)
I'm missing gardening a bit, specially in this season when most of things should be sown... we have lots of seedlings still to plant, but I haven't got the time to prepare a place for them...
but I did work a bit here... an experiment... our young nectarine tree was looking bad (every year the leafs got this illness people call "leper") and the lemon tree next to it doesn't look as healthy as it should... so I thought about improving the soil around with some things I learned from permaculture and forest gardens... so, I transplanted 2 rosemary bushes that needed to be transplanted, and 3 small Mimosa trees (acacia family)... I covered the soil with card-board so the weeds won't come back...I brought lots of compost from the shit pit, the kitchen compost, and mulched it on top with mimosa cuttings... on this nice mulch bed I planted lots of beans...and lets see what happens... my neighbors would probably think I'm crazy to plant Mimosas when they are such invasive trees (for them useless cuz they don't "give money")... but they have many good things as well... they are nitrogen fixers in first place, they grow fast, good for mulch, fairly good fire wood, good for building if they don't get wet, the flours have an amazing scent and we could even make soap, or even use the polen to eat...under the bark is filled with tannin, and the Aztecs even used it to heal wounds... it all sounds great to me...
but, in this experiment, I'm gonna control it so it doesn't invade that space (we have lots everywhere already)... my idea is to use them to fix nitrogen in the soil, and as they grow fast, I will use the cuttings to mulch the lemon and nectarine tree... we'll see what happens!!!
We need to finish Lyna's Yurt floor, and get ready for our Strawbale building workshop... I'm looking forward for it...
it will be from the 27th May to the 3rd June...and costs 200E, food and camping place included...
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