Last week I started to fix the irrigation system...actually, making it new and more suitable for our needs...(this is just the first stage of the bigger picture)
I went to buy all the material I needed and I got all excited with the junctions and connections I had to play,'s not an easy job, but definitely fun... It has been raining and even snowing again, so I got to work either in the bus or in the washing station...
actually, I used the weather as a good excuse to finally make the washing station properly... it needs a bit of flexibility to put our first plans aside and do other things when the rain comes... or other things turn into priorities...the cold is no problem for me as I find it a very good way to warm up during the day :-) ...
For those who are interested, this irrigation system is not such a complicated thing... I'm using a pump on our top terrace pond, and gravity to flow the water down... I'm using 55 gallon/200 liter standard metal drums ( those you find in scrap yards or buy it for 5E) to store the water, as we haven't got enough money to build proper tanks yet (I've spent enough just on the plumbing material and some tools I missed)... but these drums have been doing the job pretty well :-) ...
So, I'm putting 2 of these drums on the top level (using the pump), to use in the washing dishes station next to the house...I've put there 2 taps, one for the dishes, and other for the garden hose...
The other 2 will be on the kitchen level, above the bath house (high enough for some pressure), which will be filled by gravity of these 2 will be higher than the other, and the lower one will be inside a south facing insulated box and used as a solar water heater...
This will be the greatest challenge of the whole system, but I'll let you know how it worked out... probably at the end of next week...I do hope it works :-)...
Anyway, here goes some more pictures with few comments to give you a glimpse of last week...
the two water drums on the top layer so we have more pressure for the washing dishes station and garden...
the fun work on its place :-)
Nolan on the new washing station :-)
Lyna's cooking... It's been so nice to be living with her, and also really nice to have someone who likes cooking with so much LOVE... the beauty of living in community and appreciate each one's role...each one is so precious and unique, enabling us all to live in harmony...and get things done for the benefit of all...
Willi is also back to stay with us for a month or so... so nice to see him again...he's an unique character always, he's in action (he's our Mcgiver, for those who remember the series, eh, eh), fixing my car that was having a problem with the starter...
And he's also fixing our road (not just temporarily, so we hope), cuz it started to rain again, and it was impossible to go up with his van/'s been already a week of rain, and at least one more week is to has been even snowing again...the mountains around us are filled with beautiful white spots throughout its landscape...
But still, I don't complain cuz I know how much the land needs this water to stand the hot summer...this is our pond on the top terrace...for those who 've seen it in the summer or even last year, you can tell how much it's !!!
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